Toni Jacaruso: We at Jacaruso are in an interesting juxtaposition. We’ve always had a distributed, remote work from home team, and yet we’re extroverts and people lovers. We live and breathe an industry based on hospitality and connection. Being dependent on tourism and travel has, understandably, caused some fear in our industry. Some have predicted that people will be slow to go back out on the road. I disagree.I think many people, myself included, are stir crazy. There’s pent up demand. And, most of us can’t wait to get out there. People are naturally explorers, wanderers, seekers of adventure. None more than our beloved millennials. None of us can predict a timeline, but I eagerly await the inevitable rebound in travel. When it’s safe, people will pack up and go. There’s nothing like seeing and experiencing a new place, and nothing can replace being present live and in person with someone you care about. That’s the real reason why people will go back out on the road and stay at hotels. Humans need to connect. We’re in this together. Hope is contagious. We hope you catch it from us. May you and your loved ones be healthy and safe.
We Will Reconnect #Hope